Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Eyelashes, Manure, and Past Job Titles ~~ Poems?


The Politician  
Our hero didn't look his part
Eyelashes of greens, reds, yellows
Blue jeans matching light blue sport coat
Makes fellow sort of want to cry
Politician, heroic role
The eyelashes give him away
Doesn't matter his wife likes it
His eyes too are painted that way
 _ _ _ _


Caretaker, Barnyards Unlimited 

Our hero, Farmer once before

Went to college but didn't stay
Now in the Army getting out
Spent his time, five years of his life

Told them he wouldn't reenlist  
A year of school and training two
Learned fancy stuff, electronics
Radars and computers he'd fix   

Will you re-up?  No sir, I'm through
Civilian soon, an Engineer  
Till then a two month job for you 
Haul horse manure to my garden 
 _ _ _ _


New Occupation

Our man has quit with his day job 
Went back to school and learnt some more
So he's a Professor, Doctor
Make that Emeritus, retired
 _ _ _ _

Photo and Poem(s) Copyright, Jimmiehov (2010) Photo and 2018 (poems), All Rights Reserved

I'm linked with 

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Sunday, May 06, 2018

A Flash poem for Tea

     The Cup - Adolf de Meyer (1912)
              Fair Use Principles
Just what she had been thinking

Be with you in a minute maam
(She's gonna order soup for one
Then she'll share with her sister, damn)
Now what will you have for today
I'll have a cup of soup, two spoons
(Cheapie, no tip here for the wait)
Mm mm, smells nice.  On my tab, Hon
 _ _ _ _

Photo and Poem Copyright,  Jimmiehov 2018, All Rights Reserved
   (Photo is my PrintScreen copy from Kerry, linked below)

I'm linked with Sanaa at the Tuesday Platform,

I'm linked with Kerry O'Connor at

Flash poems are usually 55 words or less.  I'm
 at 49 +six for the title makes 55 words.  Yippee!!!
First I posted writing from my Galaxy 5 smart phone but now it is updated with the  picture using my computer.

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